IGS - InnerGuidance System A way of facing life

Even though no one goes into a relationship wanting to get hurt or to hurt others, it happens all the time.

By pulling away from or pushing into our challenges in a way that by-passes what really needs to be faced - we cause suffering. This push & pull, unhealthy tension makes us feel weary, frustrated, burnt-out and like , “What’s the point?”

We build resentment instead of trust, and trade discernment for disappointment. The bottom line is, as husbands and wives, parents and children, teachers and students, bosses and employees, peers and friends, we’re not relating in healthy ways, and the evidence is everywhere. 

By not prioritizing conscious relating education as a fundamental building block for human success, we end up in misunderstandings that destroy our greater potential. The biggest paradox of all?

We need truth to set us free, and the truth is what scares us the most.. We twist it, avoid it, make it up as we go along, try to define it and put it in a one size fits all box, but what we really need is to face it. Facing it is simple. But like inserting a key into a door your’ve kept locked for a long time, unlocking your power also unlocks the pain you need to face. Here’s the good news. It doesn’t have to be messy long drawn out process. In fact not facing it, is what’s causes all the drama and discord.

I realized that as greater honesty was needed to achieve breakthroughs of our limited perception and potential AND as honesty was what everyone was by-passing in patterns cleverly woven in and out of our cultural norms, I had to figure out a way to make the uncomfortable comfortable. So I created a system for stepping into the hard to face truth as fast and painlessly as possible. The results were nothing short of miraculous.

This radical and yet so simple way of connecting through care and communicating with self and others is IGS - the InnerGuidance System™, a learnable system for holistic relational intelligence and development

How does IGS™ work?

The inner work demystifies what seems “complicated” in our outer world and shows you how to align your goals, building trust and a fulfilling life experiences you can look back on and be deeply at peace with. 

IGS has 3 main areas of focus and 3 main tools that cater to that focus:

Your relationship with yourself - optimized with InnerGuidance guided journey work and supportive practices.

Your relationship with others  - developed through The 6 Step Core Request Model & InnerMirror Method plus support tools.

Your relationship with source - This is supported through MAP ( Meditative Awareness Process) - a meditative inquiry-based process that starts with where you are in the present moment and follows your current awareness into what is beyond the ability to inquiry. It’s based on the experience that a paradoxical breakthrough of self can be done by yourself. 

What gifts can come from IGS™?

IGS™ introduces us to a fresh perspective of ourselves and the world, free from trauma, fear and accumulated misunderstandings. It empowers us to relate from a place of deep, embodied understanding, resulting in more harmony, serenity, and security from which to build better lives. At its foundation, it’s a universal call to remember and prioritize what is meaningful, valuable, and important.

Doors open to healing, realization, transformation, clarity, and ultimately, changed behavior. We identify limiting beliefs and learn to dismantle them, activating our greater potential.  We solve the problems of conflict and confusion in ourselves and in our relationships by making it safe to see and hear ourselves and others again.  We're invited to stop feeling unable to make changes in our lives, learning that we can.  We overcome our misunderstandings and develop a culture of clarity, transparency, consideration, and care in our families, businesses, and relationships. 

What’s the greater vision for IGS™?

In closing, consider that your relationship with yourself and to others is the dominant experience of human life.  The quality of these relationships is what gives your life meaning, and affects every aspect of your personal, professional, and collective wellbeing. 

My vision and mission for The InnerGuidance System™ is to inspire a conscious culture of greater discernment and holistic integrity in our schools, homes, in communities, and companies. Shifting the sentiment of humanity closer to harmony, where we can look into each other’s eyes and simply and safely smile, knowing it is, and it’s going to be ok. Why? Because now we together, more truly understand.


What is InnerGuidance™? How to connect with your inner guidance system.